Resilio Connect Management Console can integrate with an Active Directory and retrieve users and administrators. Follow the steps to setup LDAP connection to the AD server.
See below of this guide to learn about known limitations and peculiarities.
1. List Domain user from Domain Controller command line using dsquery
Open MC settings -> General -> LDAP Server settings and paste username as the output from dsquery.
2. After you successfully linked MC with LDAP server, you'll be able to import AD user and groups using blue '+ ADD LDAP USER OR GROUP' button
3. If you'd like to add Security Group to MC, bear in mind it must be of global type which can be checked from Active Directory Users and Computers windows at Domain Controller.
Limitations and peculiarities
1. Okta is not supported. Management Console LDAP connector designed to work with Active Directory. Therefore, all providers not simulating AD behavior are not supported.
2. No nested AD groups. Resilio can’t handle nested AD groups by design
3. Starting with MC v3.3. If a user is removed from AD server or the server does not return the requested user for a reason, the user is removed from MC.